Our portfolio.


Lifestyle vlog.

As a personality, one of the most effective tools you have is your life. Whether you’re a pastor, politician, motivational speaker, or even a CEO of a major company, people want to know why you’re successful at what you do and what separates you from others. A lifestyle vlog is an easy way to showcase what makes you special.

Interview series.

Perhaps you’re a consultant of some kind, or maybe you’re in marketing or advertisement. Whatever it may be, sometimes your job is convincing people that they should hire your business to provide them a service that they might otherwise not know that they need. One easy way to do this is with an interview series. Whether it’s existing clients or others in the same industry as you, interviews are a unique way to openly discuss what problems you solve within the marketplace.


Video podcast.

Maybe you already have a solid platform from which to speak, but now you’re ready to venture into the digital world. Video podcasting is an effective tool to share your message on the world’s stage. With the right guests and the right topic, your words can reach the masses and effect them greatly.

Product ad.

Or maybe you’re a creator who has perfected your craft. Product ads, DIY and How-to videos, and even time-lapses are just a few of the great ways you can use video content to share your skill to all your future customers. People like to know how things are made, and in the process you can prove that you’re better than everyone else at making whatever it may be.


Our story.

My name is RJ Harbuck and I am the founder of Harbuck Media. It has been quite the journey to this point in my life. I am a professionally trained musician and that has been my passion for a long time. My first experience with editing software was actually a result of my music passion. I would play and record any and all music that I could into the early hours of the morning (my parents just LOVED that…).

From there I studied in college to be a musician and I currently serve as a pastor. As a pastor on staff at a church, I began to spend quite a lot of time with technology. I had to learn how to build websites, manage social media, and also how to film and edit. I learned fairly quickly to enjoy the filming and editing process; there’s just something so special about being able to take an idea from your head, and pass that information along in the form of video content.

I have a deep respect for the time and energy that this process can require, as well as the fact that in this social-media-driven-society content creation is a necessary beast for businesses, religious organizations, and everyone in between. That’s why I started Harbuck Media, because I want to help you get your message out to everyone that you feel needs to hear it. You have a message, let us help you find your voice.